NGC 1291 - 1269

NGC 1291, also known as NGC 1269 is in the constellation Endanus, approximately 33 million light years away from Earth. The galaxy has undergone a major transformation in the past, which caused its unusual appearance of an inner disk surrounded by a large outer disk. The galactic bar, which is a common feature to barred spirals, is also noteworthy in NGC 1291.

The galaxy is home to several star-forming regions, as demonstrated by its blue spiral arms. Additionally, NGC 1291 has been discovered to contain a supermassive black hole at its center, which is estimated to be approximately 20 million times more massive than the sun. The galaxy NGC 1291 is about 12 billion years old—and that’s old.

Imaged in RGB on CDK 24” - Observatorio El Sauce, Chile

Image Processing: Mark Hanson - Data: SWOS-Mazlin, Parker, Forman, Hanson

 Enjoy, Mark

Take a look at the full rez image its quite something.
